Imagine this: You are a Chartered Accountant firm with around 15-25 team members. You have a single email ID where all your clients send you emails. Daily, your clients send you lots of emails. Now, these emails are tasks that you have to complete.You have to ensure that for each email, A proper person processes the task properly within the given time. You also have to track follow-up dates and due dates for those tasks.

“Actually, we are trying to manage work using one single communication channel. That’s what creates the problem. You might receive tasks via WhatsApp, phone calls or other means also.”

Short term solution

Here are some fantastic tips for using Email ID (especially Gmail) as a task management tool.

  • Use “Labels” to identify the users assigned to the tasks.
  • Use the “Snooze” option to manage follow-up/due dates.

This idea is perfect till you have 2-3 people in a team, and all of them are almost permanent members. But this will not work if you are a bigger team with many people turnover.

Email to Task Automation for CA using Sangam CRM.

Most CRM Platforms refer to “Task” as “Ticket”. So we use the term “Ticket” which is same as task, for all practical purposes. Sangam CRM is one of the best email automation tools that can save time for your firm. In fact, for other Industries, many business owners are already using this functionality.

“So, when you use Sangam CRM, you manage your tasks, not emails. Email is just one source of these tasks. Managing emails is not equal to managing tasks. Email-to-task automation enables the magic.”

Creating and assigning the tasks

  • Sangam CRM keeps track of an email ID and generates a ticket for each new email received.
  • If the email is part of a conversation, Sangam CRM adds it to the previous message instead of creating a new one.
  • You can configure multiple email IDs to be “watched” for this purpose.
  • If you have already added client information in Sangam CRM, it automatically links tickets to the correct clients.
  • Specific team members in a CA firm are assigned specific clients. Sangam CRM can automate task assignments for team members based on their clients.
  • In fact, you can go one step further and have automatic assignments based on clients and specific tasks. For example, Sangam CRM can assign Suresh GST tasks for a particular client while assigning Ramesh Audit tasks.
  • If there is an attachment in the email, Sangam CRM will store that attachment along with the tasks for your reference and action.

“In Sangam CRM, you can make tasks from email, whatsapp, or SMS. You can also have a client portal where clients can send messages and attachments.”

Best Practice Management Software for CA

Streamline your CA Operations, Manage tasks, Strengthen Client Relationships, and Boost your Business Growth.

Getting things (tasks) done

Now that you have made the tasks, let’s see how your team will do things to finish them.

  • Sangam CRM has a status field for every task(ticket). Users will have to change the status to mark them as complete.
  • Users can also write comments in the comment box for every task.
  • Users can re-assign the task to some other user if required.
  • Even if they visit clients outside their office, they can mark tasks and log activities with the Sangam CRM mobile app.

Automatic Notifications to Clients and Team Leaders

  • Sangam CRM can send your clients automatic notifications (via email / WhatsApp / SMS).
  • Your team leaders can also receive notifications.

Monitoring (Managing) Tasks

You should monitor the following metrics to ensure your team completes tasks on time.

  • All Pending tasks.
  • Pending tasks break up: user-wise, task-wise, client-wise, or task category-wise. Overdue tasks.
  • Tasks created in a particular day/period.
  • Efforts (and cost of efforts) on particular task(s).
  • Completed tasks: user-wise, client-wise, category-wise, date-wise etc.
  • Are there any other custom reports that you might want to manage? Write in the comments section.

How does Sangam CRM help you monitor your tasks?

  • Sangam CRM offers various ways of reporting, the best and easiest being our OPR Dashboard.
  • OPR Dashboard is available on mobile as well as web.
  • The default list view also offers options to save/filter records based on your conditions. 
  • You can always create custom reports.
  • You can send reports to yourself and your team members via email. You can do this using the “Schedule report” option.
  • You can create a “MIS” for yourself in Google Sheets. You can use the “Google Sheet” Sync function in Sangam CRM reports.

Next step, get Sangam CRM for managing your practice

We just explored one feature of Sangam CRM. It has many other useful features for your firm. Sangam CRM is one of the best “Practice Management Software” for CA firms and Tax Consultants.

Six main features of Sangam CRM for CAs

  1. Centralised client management
  2. Holistic task and activity management.
  3. Invoicing and payment follow-up.
  4. Secure document management.
  5. Employee management.
  6. Effortless communication (Using Email/WA)

“Sangam CRM is free for up to 10 users. You have two options: do it yourself or get assistance from our certified Sangam CRM partners. They can help you implement the solution for your CA firm.”

Best Practice Management Software for CA

Streamline your CA Operations, Manage tasks, Strengthen Client Relationships, and Boost your Business Growth.
Picture of Limesh Parekh
Limesh Parekh

CEO, Enjay IT Solutions

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